Thursday, November 17, 2011


"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.." - Matthew 25:35

This morning I witnessed something so heartbreaking that I felt compelled to share it in hopes that something good could come from an awful action.

I was parked at a library in Atlantic Beach awaiting their opening at 10 a.m. It was just about time to gather up my belongings and walk inside when I heard a man shouting something over and over. My instant response was that it was a case of road rage and nothing too uncommon. But as the shouting became louder and clearer I began to understand the words he was screaming: "Get a job you worthless human being. Get a job! Get a job" This man was screaming these words at an old man attempting to cross the street that was in tattered clothing and appeared to be homeless. My heart shattered as I wanted to instantly run across the street and wrap my arms around this man and simultaneously punch this ignorant man in the face. I watched this old man continue to make his way across the street and slowly continue walking away.

I will never be able to understand how a human being can treat another person with such judgment and disrespect. No one has any right to assume the circumstances that another person is in and the events that have brought them to that place. This man who appeared to be homeless may not be. He was someone's son and he may be someone's father. The more I picture this man as a father, the more I can't help imagining the pain I would feel if my own father was in this scenario and someone else treated him like those men did.

What is there to do about this issue? Homelessness is something that will never go away unless we choose to love our neighbors and serve one another. Yes there are so many organizations who give away food, a warm place to sleep, and other essential items that people need to get on their lives started again. These organizations are incredible and need our support. However, there is another step that we can take as human beings to show love and compassion to another person who so desperately needs to feel that they are important and matter in this world. This action requires us to step out of our comfort zone and show love through a variety of different ways. Those ways could include a basic acknowledgement/small conversation with a homeless person that could make a significant difference in their day. So many times we will not even look the homeless in the eye as if they are so below us that they don't deserve our time. Show these people RESPECT and recognize their value as an individual. Yes, there are many people in our world who are not taking ownership of their mistakes or taking the steps they need to start a new chapter. But it is not our place to decide this and judge those people for what we think they should be doing. By showing these people love and respect you may be the person who encourages them to turn their life around. You could be that difference.

Different ways to serve the homeless:

My favorite idea: Blessing Bags – A large Ziploc bag filled with items that can be given to the homeless. Items can include: a list of resources available to them, toothbrush, toothpaste, granola bars, soap, etc.

Visit Publix & stock up on buy 1 get 1 free items that you can keep in the back of your car and distribute to people who you can tell need it. I keep granola bars in the backseat and share them with people who are begging for money on the corners. They need nourishment, not change.

Visit a thrift store or even your own closet & gather old sweaters and blankets. As winter approaches and cold nights are near, distribute the items to people who are walking around at night with nothing to keep them warm. I strongly believe in praying that God may lead you to someone who needs these items and He will make that person clear to you.

Thanksgiving leftovers. How many of us will have food that will go to waste after Thanksgiving? We have so much more than we need. Share your leftovers with someone who has nowhere to go and no family to be near.

Another Thanksgiving idea is to look for people in your life who might not have anywhere to go on Thanksgiving. This could be a co-worker who you know has relocated & is away from their loved ones or someone you have recently met that you don't know well but you know they are struggling. Invite these people over for Thanksgiving and show love to those who may feel unloved.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

random acts of LOVE

There are hundreds of opportunites that each day brings where we are able to step a little bit (or a lot a bit) out of our comfort zone to love on someone who may desperately need it. This opportunity may be blatantly obvious like when you see an older woman who is struggling to place her groceries in her car & you take the time to assist her, or this opportunity to serve may be a bit more disguised like when you know a co-worker is having a rough day and you decide to purchase her favorite soda in hopes of cheering her up. We have opportunities like this throughout the day to bless someone else and make a difference in their lives.

I recently came across the following blog and was incredibly inspired to do more for others.

In this blog posting, a woman celebrates her 38th birthday by spending the day with her family as they perform 38 random acts of kindness, TOGETHER. She states that this day was one of the best days of her life as each action blessed others, as well as herself. How incredible is this? How selfless and loving is the thought of focusing on others on a day that is meant to be all about YOU? There are several things that I adore about this posting including that this mother involved her children in this celebration to teach them how to love complete strangers.

Random acts of kindness can be performed through words of kindness as well. A few months ago I was at Whole Foods in Orlando during a business trip. I was exhausted and wanted to pick up a quick dinner and return to my hotel room. I remember that as I was choosing my meal, a little girl started screaming at the top of her lungs as she began to throw the world's largest temper tantrum. The entire store froze and stared at the mother in horror as this girl screamed for what seemed like hours. Immediately I felt for this mother. I may have been tired, but her job doesn't end when she goes home. This mother was strong and stood her ground as her daughter screamed and cried. I felt moved to lay a hand on her shoulder or even hug her and tell her she was doing a good job as she didn't give in handing over the treat that her daughter longed for. However, as quickly as the Lord told me to encourage this woman, worldly doubts took over that thought. I began thinking - I can't talk to her...she will think I am so strange...What if she ignores me? ... What if she doesn't speak my language? - I ended up walking away from this woman without giving her the encouragement that she could have desperately needed.

How many times do we doubt ourselves or decide not to spread kindness to others because we are stuck on our own selfish thoughts or desires? This is something that I struggle with way too often. We must push through those feelings of discomfort to love those who may be battling something so much larger than we could ever imagine. We must love those around us and be His hands & feet.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bring on Fall!

Happy last day of summer & thank God that it is coming to an end. Every year I try to enjoy summer, I really do...but the closer Autumn comes - the more I realize that summer & I are not friends. I am such a fan of weather that you can enjoy and not sweat through your clothes in an instant. I enjoy cuddling up with my husband and needing a sweater when you go outside. I love pumpkin flavored everything and cinnamon scented EVERYTHING. Fall is the best & although North Florida is unable to enjoy changing leaves and chilly days until about late October/early November, I have taken every measure to bring fall to our home as much as possible! :)

At the risk of sounding like an old married woman, I love this wreath that I created a week ago to welcome fall!! The leaves were half off at Michael's and are hot glue gunned to a wreath frame that I have had for a while now. The letters were found at Michael's as well and are painted with a gold-ish paint and hot glued together at the sides & hung with twine. Love.

Another project that I am excited to be working on over the next few days has to do with this fabulous piece of beauty:

I know - insanely gorgeous right? Okay maybe not yet but I am super excited to do some work to this little guy with high gloss white spray paint & some fun girly fabric! This chair (that I pretty much stole from a thrift store for $2.99) will be my new desk chair for our fabulous office that is finally coming together. Check out inspiration for our office on one of my favorite pinspiration boards: La Oficina Del McDermotts 

More updates to come :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


James 1:27 “Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for the orphans and widows in their troubles and refuse to let the world corrupt us.”

I am starting this blog with a mind full of ideas of what I would love for it to become:
  • A place for encouragement for young girls & young women who feel as though they will never be truly loved
  • A place to gain inspiration for life, love, home, friendships and other important experiences 
  • A place for my friends & family to keep up to date with what is going on in our busy McDermott home 
  • A place to learn more about our passion for missions, 3rd world countries, service, and plans for adoption
  • A place to learn more about our love for our Savior and the mistakes we make daily.
Who knows if this little site will turn into any of these things or just become a place where I ramble when I feel that I have too much on my mind. I just hope that this site becomes a space that brings inspiration to others and develops a community where all may find support.